Hi there
At last we have some clarity around re-opening! it’s not ideal, considering we live in England and the weather could be inclement, but we do have new large gas heaters which will be outside the front of the pub and the garden has 4 new wall heaters also. We have umbrellas to 3 of the front of pub tables and a sail over the tables in the garden.
You will need to go online either later today or tomorrow, as it’s being updated as I type, to be able to book outside tables, as these are not usually bookable on line.
We have a condition on our license whereby you cant drink outside after 9pm, so at present that is when we will have to close. We are however in the process of applying for our license to be varied in the hope that we can allow outside drinking and dining till 10pm, but this will not happen, (if it’s allowed) for a few months, so it’s very important we keep our neighbours happy in the meantime around noise etc.
So the current Government guidelines as we understand it, are that you can socialise outside with up to 6 people from 2 households. The booking slots will be for 2 hours and obviously we will be expecting everyone to social distance from other customers. You will of course be able to drink outside, particularly down the side of the pub but with social distancing in place.
Presently, from the 17th May, we will be back open inside, and you will be able to book these tables under the current guidelines. Obviously as and when things change, we will react and make amendments. Anyone looking to book further into the year, i would say keep it to tables of 6 at present but make a note of your wish list.
We launched our Symplicity Burger last week and it’s been received really well. You can see them on Instagram at @symplicity_foods and they have also been busy creating plant based sausages, meatballs, cheese and all sorts, which we hope to add to our Vegan menus on reopening. The burger is made from sustainable vegetables which are then fermented. A process which not only delivers wonderful taste but also produces prebiotics which are incredibly good for gut health and health generally. It comes with Rosemary Sea Salted Fries as will all the burgers. Please don’t forget that you can pre-order at any time of the week for Friday and Saturday.
Once again last week we sold out of Roast Dinners, so do continue to urge you to pre-book yours and your time slot as soon as you can so as not to be disappointed on the day.
Fingers crossed every thing continues to go in the fright direction and perhaps, just perhaps, we can be back inside sooner than currently anticipated.
Look forward to seeing you soon
Alan & Tina x